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Products > Industrial boilers

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Fire-tube Boilers
Thermal oil Boilers
Water-tube Boilers
Reaction Furnace
Industrial Gas Heaters

see also:- Pressure tanks ; Heat exchangers ; Skids ; Pressure Vessels

Fire-tube Boilers

see schematic diagram

Fire-tube Boiler
Steam production
(one fire pass)

Power = 1730 KW
Steam Prod. = 3,15 Ton/h
Weight full of water = 18 Ton.
Design Press. = 15 Bar
Operating Press. = 12 Bar

Fire-tubes Boiler
Steam production
(three fire pass)

Fire-tube Boiler
Steam production
(two fire pass)
Smoke tubes recovery boiler
Superheated steam production
(two fire pass)

Fire-tube Boiler
Steam production
(body boiler)

Diathermic oil Boilers

These heaters are used in industrial processes where the presence of high temperature fluid is required for heat exchange, and where the diathermic fluid can be used for the production of steam or superheated water.

Water-tube Boilers

Basically this type of boiler insludes two drums namely steam, lower or mud drum

Reaction furnace

Is the heart of the Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU), initiating the conversion of H2S and other sulfur-bearing compounds to elemental sulfur. The reaction is highly exothermic and controlled to a temperature between 1200-1500 °C

Gas Heaters